Name of the Tanzim
a) The name of the Tanzim will be "All KARACH SINDHI JAMAT “
.b) The abbreviation of the name would be "asst"
.c) The official logo of the Tanzim will be
a) The Head Office of the JAMAT will be located at Karachi;
b) The Zonal Offices will be located at following addresses:
1. Karachi.
2. Thatta.
3. Badin
5.Tando Adam
6 .Hyderabad
7.Tando m khan
And other cites c) The Managing Board is authorized to establish more Zonal Offices if needed.
Financial Year
The Financial Year of the JAMAT will commence from 1st of July and will end on 30th June of every year. The election would be held for every two years terms.
Aims and Objects
a) To work for the unity of the community members, to Endeavour for economic and social enlistment in the community and also promote Islamic Ideology among the members and protect their civic rights.b) To achieve above noted aims and objects following steps will be taken: 1) To implements the projects, which the Managing Board deems fit time to time for socio, economic developments of the community. 2) To build Schools, Colleges and Boarding houses to promote education among its members and to provide or arrange educational aid to students, also promote those activities, as suggested by the Managing Board. 3) To take step for social development of the members of the JAMAT. 4) To protect civic rights of the members and represent the JAMAT mat in the local government as Managing Board suggest. 5) To promote Islamic principals among the members. 6) If necessary and possible to establish, manage and operate dispensaries, Hospitals, Maternity Homes, Training Institutes for cottage industries, Sanatorium, orphanages, guest houses etc., or to aid in their operation. 7) If need arises to safe guard community business interest and promote commercial education among the community, to publish magazines and newsletters for the promotions of literature in the community. 8) To co-operate with other organizations of the community and to coordinate and support all efforts for unity among the community. 9) Take appropriate measures for prevention of un-employment in the community. 10) To work for eradication of wrong and lavish customs and strive to promote simple and Islamic living in the community. 11) To collect and manage conditional & Un-conditional donations and zakat for use in the welfare purposes, also to establish Baitul Mall if needed and feasible. 12) To strengthen the position of Tanzim and increase its revenue make purchases of catering furniture's & immovable properties, also issue these furniture's items and properties on hire. 13) To make arrangements for burials in the community. 14) Apart from above, to take all necessary steps towards betterment of the community, which the Managing Board deems fit, from time to time. 15) The income of the JAMAT will not be distributed among its members but will be utilized for the purposes mentioned above.
Rules and Regulations
Any male/Female SINDHI Whose age is not less then 18 years will be considered as a member of Tanzim (His family is also considered as member of JAMAT ).
b) Any widow not being looked after by any person will also be considered as member of JAMAT. However she will not be charged any membership fees.
c) All member will have to pay annual subscription of Rs. 10/-. This fee is payable in the first quarter of every year.
a. He can participate in every activity of jamat as per law of JAMAT.b. Every member is eligible to take benefit from the facilities provided by JAMAT under its rules & regulations.c. He will be eligible for help from JAMAT.
d. He will abide by the constitution and follow the rules and regulations of JAMAT.e. He will abide all social & other decision of JAMAT.f. He will pay JAMAT's annual subscription in time
through Representative
3. EXPULSION & SUSPENSIONThe Managing Board of jamat can expel or suspend the membership of any male member under the following conditions.a. If the member does not pay annual subscriptions.b. In case of violating the rules of jamat or directly or indirectly working against the interest of jamat
c. In case of not paying fixed penalty.
d. In case of not abiding/violating the rule 13-
C of the constitution.
a. Any member expelled or suspended due to sub section A & C of section 3 can be reinstated provided he pays the due penalty, membership fee plus the fine imposed by Managing Board if any.b. Any member expelled/suspended due to violation of sub-section B or C of section 3 will have to submit a written apology to the Managing Board through its Hon. General Secretary. The Managing Board is empowered to waive the sentence or impose penalty for re-instatement of membership.c. Membership of suspended member will be considered reinstated after completion of suspension period. The Managing Board & Council will be notified for this.
Following will be the Administrative set-up of the JAMAT.A).General BodyAll the members of Tanzim will constitute the General Body.
b). CouncilThe elected President, Patrons, Members of Managing Board as nominated by the President and nominated members of all JAMAT in following order will constitute the Council. One member from JAMAT with strength of 11 to 40.Two members from JAMAT with strength 41 to 60 Three members from JAMAT with strength 61 to 100.Four members from JAMAT with strength of 101 and above.
Managing Board will consist, elected President, Patrons, 20 members elected by Council in its first meeting and 15 members co-opted by the President. The co-opted member will be taken from following areas in number mentioned against each area. Two member from Old city Area Karachi Hyderabad Thatta Badin others. The President is empowered to nominate any member from the particular area if a seat of Managing Board falls vacant for any reason from that area.
6. OFFICE BEARERSThe President, after taking the oath, will nominate the other Office Bearers for two years term.THE OFFICE BEARER OF JAMAT ARE AS UNDER:a. President One b. Vice President One c. Hon. General Secretary One d. Joint Secretary One e. Treasurer One A. Powers & Duties of President1. He will be the constitutional head of the JAMAT and will advise, suggest and guide in all matters. 2. He will preside over all meetings of Managing Board, Council and General Body and will run these meetings as per constitution of the JAMAT. He will take oath from the members of Managing Board. 3. He will be considered the Ex-Officio member of all the committees of the JAMAT4. In every meeting of the JAMAT. The President will disallow any rude or un-constitutional behavior from any member and in case it necessary could expel such member tromp the meeting. 5. He will give directive to Hon. General Secretary to call meetings to Managing Board, Council and General Body. 6. He will be authorized to call special/emergency meeting on important issues. 7. He will take oath before general body meeting to work with commitment, dedication and determination tore the community. 8. In case to tie on any matter in meetings his vote will be considered as casting vote and the decision so taken shall be binding on all parties. 9. He will announce the decision on all matters in the meeting after member's votes. 10. He will nominate 15 members for Managing Board as per clause 5-C of the constitution. 11. Under unusual condition the President will be authorized to spend in maximum unto As. 25,000/without prior approval to Managing Board, he will however, place the detail of expenditure in the next meeting of Managing Board for approval. 12. In case of emergency, if he thinks that it is not possible to call the meeting of the Managing Board then he is authorized to call circular meeting and announce the result. To that meeting on the Majority vote. The decision made through circular meeting will be binding on every member. The proceeding of circular meeting will be placed in the next regular meeting of the Managing Board tore information.13. At the beginning of his two years term he will be authorized to nominate the one Vice President, on Hon. General Secretary, One Joint Secretary and one Treasurer from members of Managing Board. He will also be authorized to fill any position of office Bearer_ falls vacant during his tenure.14. He will head of all the delegations of JAMAT and will be authorized to issue press release on behalf of the JAMAT.
B. Power & Duties of Vice President1. He will act as President in the absence of the President and will enjoy all the powers delegated to the President.2. He will assist the President in normal circumstances.
C. Powers & Duties of Hon. General Secretary1. He will work as Administrative Head of Tanzim and will act as per directives & guidelines of Managing Board. 2. He will look after the day to day matters of JAMAT. 3. He will act as Ex-Officio member in all the committees of Tanzim. 4. He will issue agenda on the directive of President and prepare the minutes of the meetings. 5. He will collect information’s from all committees, will issue directives to them, and will have all the powers pertaining_ to the working of the committees. 6. He will sign on behalf of JAMAT on all correspondence, vouchers, promissory notes, rent receipts & documents as Hon. General Secretary of JAMAT.7. To run the day to day affairs of the Tanzim, he is authorized to appoint staff on the approved terms and can terminate the un-wanted employees. 8. He is authorized to spend up to Rs. 15,0001- without prior approval of Managing Board, the expenses will however be placed for approval in next meeting of the Managing Board. 9. Will be authorized to keep cash balance unto Rs. 5, 0001-. 10. Will be authorized to collect rent of immovable properties and other income of Tanzim or nominate any other person for this purpose. Accept funds, donations will issue appeals in this regard and will work towards the promotion of JAMAT’s cause. 11. Will call meeting of Managing Board, Council and General Body on directive of President or upon receiving the requisition from members. 12. Will present the receipt and payment Accounts and balance sheet in the meeting of Managing Board, as prepared by Treasurer along with his annual report. 13. Will call at least one meeting of Managing Board every month & one meeting of Council every quarter on directive of the President.
D. Powers & Duties of Joint Secretary1. In absence of Hon. General Secretary, he will act as Hon. General Secretary and will be authorized to use all the powers of Hon. General Secretary. 2. Will assist the Hon. General Secretary in normal circumstance.
E. Powers & Duties of Treasurer1. Will prepare the accounts of the Tanzim as per directives of President & Hon. General Secretary. 2. Will present monthly account to Managing Board and will prepare annual accounts at the end of every year. 3. Will operate one or more accounts in one or more banks or closed the accounts as per directive of the Managing Board.
7. AUDITORS.Managing Board in its first meeting will nominate one or more honorary or paid registered auditors to check the accounts of Tanzim
8. Financial Matters1. Jamal's funds will be kept in one or more banks in one or more accounts as decided by the Managing Board.2. JAMAT 's Bank Accounts will be operated by any 2 signatures out of following 4 authorized office Bearer:
1. President. 2. Vice President 3. Hon. General Secretary 4. Treasurer9. POWERS OF MANAGING BOARDa). Will appoint in its first meeting one honorary or paid registered auditor for two years term. b). Every 2 years, in the first meeting of the Managing Board, President will administer oath from all the members to work with dedication, devotion, determination and impartiality for the betterment of the community.c). Will notify to all the JAMAT through Hon. General Secretary after completion of 2 years term for nomination of new Councilors, old councilors will continue to represent their JAMAT in case of non receipt of new names, these name will only b4_ changed in case of death of Councilors. The member of Managing Board elected from Council will loose his Managing Board seat if he is not re-nominated from his JAMAT.d). Will look after account of Tanzim.e). At least one meeting of Managing Board will be held every month.f). To run the work of JAMAT smoothly, following committees will be constituted for 2 years term. The chairman of these committees will be elected from members of the Board.
1. Zonal Committee's 2. Store Management committee. 3. Reconciliation 4. Social Welfare Committee 5. Education Committee 6. Subscription 7. Publication Committee 8. Internal Audit Committee 9. Census Committee 10. Graveyard Management Committee 11. Bus Committee 12. Hajj Committee 13. HALL Committee14. Madressah Taleemul auran Committee 15. Construction Committee 16. Election Committee17. Sports Committee 18. Constitution Committee
g). Managing Board is authorize to constitute more committees or to discontinue any committees.h). Managing Board will authorize any member, committee or office Bearer for creation or discontinue of conditional or un-conditional fund or trust in the interest of JAMAT.i). Managing Board is authorized to fill any vacancy of chairman due to resignation or by any other reason. j). Can expel member of Managing Board who is absent in three consecutive meetings of the Board. k). Will make arrangement to prepare annual account within three months after the end of the financial year and will present it to the Council for subsequent approval of Annual General body and will also fix the date of election after end of two years term. I). Will authorized to purchase, sale, to take or let-out on rent and repair any immovable property on behalf of JAMAT, will also be authorize to purchase, sale, to transfer the immovable property, ordinary or preference shares, Debentures, Promissory Notes, furniture and other property on behalf of JAMAT. However, it will have to take prior approval from Council for new construction.m). To increase revenue of JAMAT, the Managing Board is authorized to buy, let-out on rent or sale items/ equipment. n). Will arrange burial of JAMAT member on reasonable charges, will also be authorize to start or discontinue any social welfare activity. o). Will be authorize to take action against social evils and prepare rules in this regard will also be authorize to take punitive action against those who disobey the rules.p). Will prepare new law apart from rules given in the constitution for settlement of family disputes and also authorize to take necessary disciplinary action against the disobeyer.q). Will keep all the record of deaths, births, engagements and marriages and settle the matters of issuance of marriage and engagement receipts and fix its charges. Will also be authorized to prepare rules for all social events, will decide the amount of Marriage and will take punitive action against the members not following these rules.r). Will decide the date for Annual General Body & Election to be held within 3 months after the end of 2 years term, will continue to perform its duties until the new elections are held.s). Will be authorized to take decision on applications against the rulings Committee.t). Will take appropriate action on the recommendation and reports of all sub committees.u). Will represent the Tanzim in the Courts through its Secretary or any other member; will assign any member on its behalf for any purpose. v). Can form delegation and approve or bear its expenses.w). Will place all the seats of Managing Board vacant in case of resignation or any other reason in the meeting of Council for re-election. This will not apply on the members co-opted from designated areas.x). Will cooperate and nominate any member to represent the Tanzim in any Central Organization of Memon Community or any other religious or social welfare organization.y). Any member of the Managing Board will not be entitled to attend the meetings or board in which such matters of his or his family members (i.e. Son, daughter, brother or sister) is on agenda. He will not be allowed to attend meetings even as an observer.z). Managing Board is authorized to use powers not mentioned here except delegated to the Council and General body.a1). Can place the rules and regulation before General Body for final approval after the approval of Council.a2). Will place the resolution received from members before General body provided found feasible.10. POWERS & DUTIES OF COUNCILa). Will take appropriate action and given its decision on the matters as presented by the Managing Boards.b). Will take decision on the appeals received against the ruling of Managing Board.c). Will elect members for Managing Board from the members presented in the Council meeting except the seats fallen vacant from designated areas.d). Will approve or change the annual reports and account as presented by Managing Board and will recommend for the annual General Body meeting of Tanzim, will also give its views on the administrative matters presented by the Managing Board.e). Will elect 20 members for Managing Board from Councilors present in the first Council meeting after election of President.f). Will initiate the Tanzim Secretary through the Hon. General Secretary regarding the absence of its representathle in the three consecutive Council meeting with a request to advise their representative to attend the meetings of Councilor send another representative in his replacement.g). Will direct the Managing Board to present the constitutional amendments, with changed or present as it is before the General Body meeting as submitted by the Managing Board.h). At least one Council meeting will be held in three months.i). Any member of the Council will not be entitled to attend the meeting of Council in which matters of himself or his family members is on agenda (Le. son, daughter, brother or sister) such member will not be allowed to attend such meetings even as a observer. 11. POWERS OF GENERAL BODYa). Will approve the constitutional amendments with change or as it is, presented by the Council & Managing Board. b). Will take decision after consideration on the matter as presented by the Councilor Managing Board.c). Will fill the vacant position of President in case of resignation or any other reasons.d). At the end of any financial year of Tanzim, annual General Body meeting will be held as decided by the Managing Board with following agenda.1. To approve Annual Report and Accounts as presented by Managing Board through Council.2. If at the end of that year the President completed his two years term then matter of election of new President for next term.3. To take decision on written resolution of members presented through Council.4. To appoint Auditor for new term. 12. WORKING OF COMMITTEESa). All the committees will work under Sub-clause-F of Clause 9 of the constitution. b). Every committee will consist of minimum five members apart from its Chairman & Ex-officio.c). Any member will cease to be a member if he absent for three consecutive meetings of the committee. d). Quorum for all committees will be one third of its total strength. e). Every committee will .hold at least one meeting every month. f). Every committee will keep complete record of its movable & immovable Properties and will not sell or let-out on rent without prior approval of the Managing Board and also not consider any financial matter. g). Will not constitute any fund without prior approval of Managing Board and also will not receive any donation and will not allowed to borrow loans. h). Every committee shall present its report of every meeting to the Managing Board. i). Committee Chairman is authorize to nominate members for his committee. j). Committee Chairman is authorized to accept resignation of its committee members. k). The Chairman can issue circular for general members regarding the working of his committee only after prior approval of Managing Board. I). All the committees will decide all important matters after approval of Managing Board.
13. POWERS & DUTIES OF COMMITTEESFollowing will be the powers & working of different committees.
A. Zonal Committees1. Will work as representative! Of Head office in related zone and provide all facilities as provided to its members, who reside near the Head office which are: a). To issue receipt for Engagement & Marriages. b). To issue receipts for burial of dead bodies. c). To booking of buses and any other matter with the coordination of Head Office.
2. Will manage all movable & immovable property of Tanzim in that zone and collect rent as decided by the Managing Board, plus purchase required articles or dispose off un-necessary items with prior approval of Managing Board. 3. Will arrange for funeral of male and female persons and will fix the charges of their services as approved by the Managing Board. 4. Will arrange all the material required for burial of dead bodies in respective zone.
B. Store Management Committee.1. Will mange all movable & immovable properties which are under the jurisdiction of this committee and collect all Charges & rent fixed by Managing Board, will also purchase necessary items and sale un-necessary items with the prior approval of Managing Board. 2. Will arrange for funeral of male and female persons at Head Office area and will fix the charges of their services as approved by the Managing Board. 3. Will arrange all the material required for burial around Head office area. C JAMAT Committee1. Formation of the Forum & its duties.a). For solution of family & social dispute, a forum will be constituted with one person/nominee from each Tanzim as its members. b). Forum will decide all the matter in accordance with the rules of Tanzim. c). Every applicant will be entitled to select two members from the Forum as his/her representative and decision of these members will be binding on all the parties, failing which they will be liable to punitive action as per rules of Tanzim. 2. Will notify the Managing Board regarding all the decision and report for any complicated issues. 3. Will maintain all the records and keep minutes of all the meetings. 4. Will try for speedy solution of all the disputes. 5. Every applicant applying for solution of his/her dispute will have to follow these rules:
a). Every applicant will have to submit their applications narrating the problems in duplicate along with duly signed authorization letter. b). On receipt of above papers the Chairman Tanzim Committee will inform the other party to state his point of view before the committee and also ask him to sign the Tanzim authorization letter. c). Upon receipt of authorization letter from both parties, the Tanzim Committee will start the hearing of the matter and will direct the parties to produce the witnesses and evidence if felt necessary. d). In terms of Clause 5-B, if the second party do not respond within a week and also non compliance to signing the authorization letter or refusal of attending the meeting the Tanzim Committee will take necessary action under Section 5-G of this rule as well as notify the first party regarding non compliance of second party. e). Any applicant not satisfied with the decision of Committee will have to appeal against ruling to Managing Board within ten days along with his/her views, the Managing Board will decide the case after through sorting of all the evidence/details. f). Any applicant not satisfied with the decision of Managing Board will appeal to Council within ten days along with important issues. The appeal will be presented to the meeting of Council within one month. The decision of Council will be final & binding and will be enforced/applicable. g). Those who will not abide by the above decision will not be entitled to any facility provided by Tanzim to its all members, also not allowed to engage with in the community further more he may be fined and may be suspended or terminated under sub clause Band D of clause 3 of the constitution. After approval of Managing Board will be informed general members by circular. 6. Any member of the Committee will not be entitled to attend the meetings of Committee in which maters relating to himself or his family members is placed i.e. son, daughter, brother or sister). He will not be allowed to attend even as an observer.
7. Letter of consent at the time of Engagement & Marriage.At the time of issuance of engagement or marriage receipts, all the parties will have to sign the letter of consent stating to go to the Tanzim Committee through the Hon. General Secretary of Tanzim in case of any dispute before taking any step in this matter, failing which the Managing Board is authorized to apply/enforce sub clause B & D of clause 3 of the constitution and can take disciplinary action in terms of clause 19-A. D. Social Welfare Committee1. This committee will look after the shelter less, orphan, widows, disabled and un-employee people of the community. 2. Will Manage dispensaries & Maternity Home on behalf of Tanzim. 3. Will manage Orphan House, Cottage Industries for widows, arrange for education, and provide technical training and employment for disabled people. 4. Will help to affected people in case of natural calamity, and also work to eradicate epidemics and provide medical and other necessary help to them. 5. Will keep an eye on the prevailing tradition in the community and will suggest abolishing the useless & lavish traditions. 6. Will form a volunteer corps of youth of the community with the prior approval of the Managing Board. Will get approval of Managing Board from time to time for swiftly implementation of the above rules. E. Education Committee1. Will work towards the promotion of education in community. 2. Will Endeavour towards successful implementation of the plan for promotion of education. 3. Will get approval from Managing Board to establish girls guide, sports training, scouting courses, musical group and volunteer corps etc. 4. Will recommend to the Managing board to arrange for monetary help to needy students. 5. Will manage and arrange basic requirements for school buildings with the approval of the Managing Board strive for the promotion. Of adult education and manage boarding houses. 6. Will arrange sewing and knitting classes, cooking baking classes and other technical courses for girls student with the permission of the Managing Board. 7. Will establish and manage nurseries kindergarten. Schools. F. Lawazim Committee (Subscription)1. Will maintain the record of members of Tanzim. 2. Will try to collect annual subscription from the members within prescribed time. 3. Will issue a letter to Tanzim for providing new Councilors name and list of their members at the end of 2 years term. 4. Will ensure receipt of annual fee at least 15 days prior to election and will prepare and provide a list of members at least one week before the election, powers to casting vote will be allowed to those members, whose name are included in this list only. 5. Will issue membership card Councilor's card and the card for the members of the Managing Board. G. Publication Committee.1. Will promote the activities of all Sindh Samma Tanzim in other communities with good manner. 2. Will make possible the publication of quarterly magazine to inform the community about the progress and activities of the Tanzim. 3. Will publish matters for promotion of education & extra curricular activities among the Young generation of the Community. 4. Will publish annual report and audited accounts for presentation to the General Body with the coordination of Treasurer and Hon. General Secretary. 5. Will work towards promotion of writing skills in the community. H. Internal Audit Committee1. Will conduct detailed audit of accounts prepared by the Treasurer will check all receipts, bills, vouchers and given its recommendation for improvement in the accounting systems. 2. Will present its recommendation to the Managing Board for avoiding mistakes and betterment for accounting systems. 3. Will make arrangement with the Treasurer for conduction external auditing of Tanzim account. I. Census Committee1. Will arrange Census of the community and computerize the different information after census to complete record. 2. Will make necessary arrangement to update the data collected for births, deaths, education, change of address and other related information.3. Will issue circulars time to time with the permission of the Managing Board regarding collecting information from members for any changes. J. Graveyard Committee1. Will look after all the matters concerning graveyard. 2. To arrange for burial of the dead bodies with the coordination of Zonal & Store Managing Committees. 3. To arrange burial of unclaimed dead bodies. 4. To arrange and provide all the material required for burial with coordination of Zonal & Store Management Committees.
K. Bus Committee1. Wililookafter all matters regarding Buses of the Tanzim. 2. Will arrange to sale off old buses, its repairs, purchases of new or recondition buses with the permission of the Managing Board. 3. Will present before Managing Board for its approval the buses fare, time-table and change of the buses routes etc.
L. Hajj Committee1. Will provide full assistance to all the Hujjaj from submission of application till their departure. 2. Will provide all necessary facilities to Hujjaj with the prior approval of the Managing Board. . N. Madressah Talimul Quran Committee1. Will look after all work relating to Madressah Talim-ul-Quan. 2. Will plan to establish more Madressah with the approval of the Managing Board. 3. Will help for promotion of Quranic Education and Hifzul Quran with the approval of the Managing Board. O. Construction Committee1. Will be authorized to renovate and repairs the properties of Tanzim with the approval of Managing Board and for new construction it will handle with the prior permission from the Managing Board and Council 2. Will arrange to provide plots to poor and middle class families in different areas at cost or will suggest to Managing Board to raise construction on these plots and provide to them along with all necessary facilities.
P. Election Committee1. With its formation, (in the first meeting of the newly formed Managing Board) the Committee will provide following services during its 2 years terms. 2. Will fill the vacant seat of the President by election in General Body, if the seat fall vacant due to resignation of the president, completion of his tenure or any other reason. The Chairman Election Committee will form elected President for next term or remaining period in the meeting of General Body. 3. Will arrange election of 20 seats for Managing Board in the Council's meeting after election of the President.4. Will frame rules & regulation for the above election and place before the Managing Board for approval.
Q. Sports Committee1. To promote the different games amongst the youth of community, will establish health centre for exercise with the prior approval of Managing Board. 2. Will organize tournaments to promote different games in community. 3. Will help to register best player of the community in various departmental team of our country.
R. Constitution Committee1. Will consider the suggestion received for amendments in constitution from general members, of Council and Managing Board and will place before Managing Board, Council & General Body's meeting for approval. 2. Will inform to Managing Board about any un-constitutional Matter.14. MEETINGa. All the Decision in the meeting of Managing Board, Council, General Body or Committees will be taken on the basis of Majority. b. In the event of President or Vice President is absence till half hours from the stipulated meeting time, then any elder from amongst the present member of meeting will preside-over/chair the meeting of Managing Board, Council and General Body. c. Chairman of meeting will have the authority to remove/expel any member/members from the proceeding of the meeting, if anyone disobey and disturb the decorum of the meeting. d. The minutes of all meeting will be approved in the next meeting and will be sign by the Chairman of meeting and Secretary. e. The agenda of the meetings of Council, Managing Board and Committees will be issued before three days from the date of meetings.
f. The agenda for General Body meeting will issue at least eight days before the meeting through new papers and hand bill.
15. RESOLUTION.a. Resolutions, which are required to present in Annual General Body meeting may be sent in writing at least 15 days before the date of meetings. The Managing Board will present only those resolutions which are approved by the Board. b. Any resolution adopted by General Body, Managing Board or Council will not be repealed before three month. After the expiry of the stipulated term, the Managing board, Councilor General Body could cancel/reject any resolution with 2/3 majority vote of the members present in those meetings. c. When the situation arises that any resolution adopted by Managing Board, Councilor Annual General Body will create miss-understanding, the such resolution could be presented before its expiry of the fixed period, however for this purpose_ president & General Secretary could present it before the respective body and repeal the resolution with 2/3 Majority of members present in the meeting.
16. Quoruma. The quorum for General Body is 75 members including the President. b. The quorum for Managing Board & Council will 1/3 of its members. c. The quorum for all committees shall be 1/3 of its members. d. If the quorum is not complete even after the half an hour of fixed time of the meeting, then such meeting will be considered as adjourned. The adjourned meeting could be summoned within seven days to discuss the same agenda and there will be no condition of Quorum.
17. SPECIAL MEETINGS & AGENDAa. The President could summon the special meeting of Managing Board & Council is case of emergency with only 24 hours notice. b. Agenda for the meeting summoned for the purpose of section 18 or 20 will be circulated before 3 days from the date of meeting. c. Agenda for General Body will be circulated at least 4 days before the date of meeting through news paper.
18. REQUISITIONa. To call the meeting of Managing Board written
Requisition signed by 20 members of Managing Board must reach president or Hon. General Secretary. On receipt of such requisition the meeting will be called within two week time. Quorum of such meeting will be 1/3 of the members. b. To call the council meeting written requisition signed by 40 members of Council giving reasons for calling of meeting must be submitted to President or Hon. General Secretary. On receipt of such requisition they will all the meeting within one month from the receipt of requisition. Quorum for such meeting will be 1/3 of its members. c. To call General body meeting, written requisition signed by 60 members stating the reasons for the meeting must be submitted before President or Hon. General Secretary. On receipt of such requisition, meeting could be called within two month; the quorum for such meeting will be 75 members.d. All meetings called through requisition will discussed the matter for which it is requisitioned. No other matter will be discussed in such meetings. e. If the quorum of the requisition meeting is not completes unto half hour for the time of the meeting, then the requisitioned meeting will be cancelled and the requisition so received will be treats as cancelled, in case of the requisition meeting is held and if the requisition is not passed than the same will be treated as cancelled. Next meeting for the same purpose could not be called unto three months for the Managing Board and six months for Council & general Body. 19. DISCIPLINARY ACTIONa. Managing Board will take disciplinary action and expel or suspend for any period to any member found directly or indirectly damaging the image of the Tanzim and working against the interest of Tanzim, their such member will be given full opportunity to defend himself and if found quality will be suspended or terminate from the membership with 2/3 majority vote. b. Appeal against the decision of Managing Board as per section 19-A could be submitted within 15 days to Council. The Decision of Council shall be final.
20. NO CONFIDENCEa. Motion against all or anyone office bearer/s or any member of Managing Board could be presented in the General Body with the signature of 200 members. b. Will call General Body meeting within a month upon receipt of no confidence application at the office of JAMAT. The quorum of this meeting will be 500 members.c. Motion could be termed approved, if two third majority of attending members give vote in favors of the application, if the said application is reject by the meeting then unto six months no more application for same purpose would be entertained.d. Meeting will be canceled and application would be termed rejected if the quorum is not completed after one hour of fix time of the meeting of no-confidence and after that unto six month no application for such matter would be entertained.
A. Eligibility & Age of the President1. Minimum age for the president's shall be 35 years. 2. He Should not have been convicted in any Panel Code of Country. 3. Not entitle to continue as President after two consecutive terms.
B. Eligibility & Ageof Member Managing Board.1. For the election or nomination as member Managing Board age shall be 25 years. 2. He should not have been convicted in any Panel code of country.
22. PATRONSa. All Ex-Presidents of the JAMAT will be Patrons of JAMAT. b. Patrons could attend the meeting of the Council and Managing Board and could put forward their suggestion. c. Patron will take responsibility of any committee as Chairman in case if their services are required.
23. SITUATION-IF RESIGNATION OR DEATH OF PRESIDENTa. Resignation given by the President during the continuing of his term will be termed as accepted immediately. b. In case of death of the President, the seat would be termed vacant.In the event of above situation, the following steps shall be taken:
AB-1. - The Managing Board shall be automatically dissolved if the remaining period is six months or more, but Vice president, Hon. General Secretary, Treasurer and Committees shall continue to perform their duties and charge shall be handed-over to new President by the above Office Bearer after holding the election with the coordination of Election Committee within 45 days.
AB-2. - The Vice President take over as Acting President for the remaining period if the remaining period is less than six months and Managing board also perform their services.
24. OATH OF MEMBERS MANAGING BOARDI. the undersigned solemnly affirm that I will abide by the rules and regulation of the JAMAT, which are mentioned in the construction and will work for the welfare and enlistment of the community and also perform my duties with impartially and naturally in all matters. 25. LANGUAGEThe official language of the Tanzim shall be sindhi and the same would be treated and authentic for all meaning, clarification, interpretation, if required for any matter. However, the English translation of this Constitution will be forwarded to Registrar of Societies for their record.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
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